Школы в Кении и Танзании - г.Момбаса, пляж Ньяли (Mombasa, Nyali beach), курорт Диани бич (Diani beach), остров Занзибар, пляж Паже (Zanzibar, Paje beach). Кайтсафари, серфинг, вейкбординг, курсы IKO
Downwinders & Trips
Holiday Packages
IKO Courses
IKO Beginner to Intermediate
IKO Instructor Courses (AITC & ITC)
Professional level Instructor Internships
Course Application Form
Kite Equipment
Kite centre facilities and amenities, including Wi-Fi, Pool, Bar and Restaurant, Kite Zone and Pack-down areas. Equipment cleaning and Storage. Rescue facilities. Not to mention the latest music and a great atmosphere!
Our team consists of experienced and professional multilingual Instructors from all over the world!
Our motto is “Have fun both on, and off the water!”
We believe in creating a welcoming, friendly, professional atmosphere, which is key to providing you with an unforgettable, safe and fun kite holiday no matter what level a kiter you are!